Medieval World The Ancient World
vain idel valley denu, f valuable deorwierþe various manigfeald; mislic; missenlic vat fæt vein æder, f venom attor, m. venture ge-neþan vernacular folclic verse fers, n. very (adv) ful; geneahhe very much ealfela vice leahtor viewing sceawung vigorous c; hwætaf vile fracod; ful violence ecghete; mæenþise violent hæste virgin mægð voice hleoðor; reord; gereord vow (n) beot, n vow (v) beotian; gehatan
wage (war) ahebban wait anbidian walk gan; gongan (7) wander scriþan war guð, f; orlege, m ward off abaedan warband duguð warrior beadurinc, m.; beorn, m.; cempa; dreng, m.; dryhtguma; folcwiga; fyrdrinc; garbuend; guðrinc, m; hæle, m hæeþ, m hildemecg, m; hilderinc, m; hiredmann; hyse, m.; lindwigend magorinc; rinc; scealc, m; sceotan; secg wasteland mor water brim; lagustream; wæter water, body of flod, m wave (v) hwearfian wave (n) saltyþ way foldweg way of life drohtoð wealth blæd; ead, n. weary meðe weave bregdan weave together gebregdan weep greotan; reotan weigh down hefigan well fægere well-known cuð whale hwæl whaling hwæhuntoþ what hwa; hwelc what kind of: hwelc when mid þam þe mid þy þe whence hwanon where hwær; hwider whet hwettan whether which hwelc while hwil whistle hwistlian whistling hwistlung whither hwider white horse blanca who hwa whole ansund; gehal wicked fracod wickedly manlice wickedness fyren wide brad; geap wield ge-reccan willingly gelustfullice; lustfullice wind around bewerian window eagðyrl, n wise frod; gleaw with mid with longing for æfter (+acc) wither searian within (adv) beinnan; binnan; inne within (prep) innan (+dat) without butan, buton; -leas withstand forstandan; ongeanstandan woman cwen, f; cwene, f; fæmne; ides; mægð womb hrif, n wood holt word giedd work gedeorf worker ceorl world middangeard worry bisgu worship bigong, m. worthless idel wound (vb) amyrran; forwundian; ge-ræcan wound (n) benn, f.; dolg, n.; inwidhlemm; licsar; sar wounded feohseoc, adj wretched earm; earmcearig; earmsceapen; feasceafig; hean wretchedlly earmlice write awritan |