Medieval World The Ancient World
table beod, m.; bord, n. tailor seamere taint geblandan take don; niman; geniman take away forniman take heed geman take out ateon take up onfon taste byrigan; onbyrigan teach læran; ge-læran teacher lareow; magister, m teaching lar tear (v) scieran tell asecgan; reccan; secgan temple herig temporary læne terrible atol terrified anforht terrifying gæstlic territory eþel terror broga, m; ege, m; egesa, m test fandian the, that se, seo, þæt Note: See chart for forms therefore forðy they (indef pro) man think hicgan; hogian; myntan thought hige; gehygd threat beot, n.; feorhbealo, . threatening beotlic throne cynestol; giefstol through geond throughout geond throw sceaotan throw away: aweorpan thrust sceotan tide flod, m; mereflod tilling eorþtilþ time first, m.; hwil; -hwil; mæl; sæl for a long time: lange; langlice timid forhtmod tired meðe together ætgædere; ætsomne; endemes; geader; samod toil gedeorf too toss cnossian totally clæne touch æthrinan; gretan; hrepian; hreppan; hrinan; ge-ræcan tower (v) hlifian town burg, burig; burgtun; burgsteall; ceaster track feorhlast, m; last trade cræft translate areccean; awendan trap betræppan trapping hyrst, f trappings gerædu travel faran (6) treasure beahhord, n.; goldhord, m; hord, n.; maðm treasurer-giver maþþumgyfa tree beam, m. tremble bifian tribute gafol, n; manræden troop heap trouble (v) bysigian; gedrefan trouble (n) cearo, f; myrðu; niþ, m troubled earmcearig; hreoh; hreocearig troublesome hefigtyme trout sceota, m truce grið trust geliefan try cunnan tub byden tumult gedræg; gelac turn hweorfan; hwierfan; gehwierfan; oncierran turn around: onhwyrfan turn away: bugan
uncle eam unclothe ongyrwan uncooked grene understand asmeagan; gecnawan; forstandan; ongietan (5) undress ongyrwan unfortunate heardlice unhappy heardselig unhurt hal unimportant leohlic unique ænlic unite geanlæcan unity annis, f unless nymþe until hwænne; oð unyoke ongeocian up up to: oð upon on upright rihtwis uproar cyrm, m urge manian; gemanian use (v) befæstan; brucan; neotan; notian use (n) fiorm, f; nytt, f useful, be dugan useful usefulness nyttnes, f utensil fæt utility nytt, f utter acweðan (sv 5); gecwðan utterance cwidegiedd utterly clæne; eallunga |