Medieval World The Ancient World
sack abrecan sacrifice (n) lac; offrung sacrifice (v) geoffrian sad dreorig; geocor; geomor; geomormod; hygegeomor; ormod; sarlic sadfaced dreorighleor sadhearted hygegeomor sadness geomerung safe hal sailor brimliðend; brimmann; flota, m; flotman; lidmann; s&aelida; sæmann; særinc saint halga; sanct salmon leax salt sealt salt-maker sealtere, m salutary halwende same ilca; self sanctuary herig sand sandceosol satisfy fyllan save ahreddan; beorgan; gebeorgan; hælan; hreddan; ge-nerian say cweðan; gecweðan; secgan; ge-secgan saying cwide scholar bocere; leornere scorn forhicgan sculpt ceorfan sea brim; flot, n; geofon, m/n; holm; holm; hwælweg; sæ seabird brimfugol; fleotend seagull mæw sealane brimlad; lagulad, f sea voyage sæfor sea water lagu seamonster nicor, m seaman flota, m. search secan search for: secan secret deogol; dyrne see sceawian seek secan; ge-secan seed sæd seize begietan; cepan; fon (7); ge-niman; oferfon seldom seldon self self self-employed hlafordleas sell ciepan send asendan; onsendan send forth fysan; onsendan sense andgit, n separate (v) gedælan sepulchre moldern, n sequence endebyrnes, f serious geomormod serpent nædre servant cnapa; cniht service manræden set (vb) asettan; oðfæstan set an example: bisnian, gebisnian set in motion: hreran set out on a journey: siþ asettan; feran; fundian set up: asettan severely miclum shade scead; sceadu shadow sceadu shaft sceaft, m shake asceacan; acweccan; bifian shame scand; scomu, f shameful bysmorful; heanlic shamefully huxlice shape hiw share dælan sharpen grindan (3) shatter gebrecan sheath sceð, f shed scipen, n sheep sceap, n sheepfold loc, n shellfish sciellfisc shelter (n) hleo; scurbeorg shepherd sceaphierde, m shield bord, n; scield shine scinan shining beorht; goldbeorht ship ceol; flota, m; scip;; merehengest; naca, m; sæbat shipwreck forlidennes, f shoe sco shoes gescy, n.p. shoemaker scowyrhta shoot fysan; ofsceotan; sceotan shore ofer shoulder eaxle shout ceallian; clipian, clypian shouting clypung; hream shove scufan show ætywan; gecyðan; iewan shower scur shrine scryn shrink scrincan sibling geboren sick healf, f sickness adl, f. sign (n) beacen, n. signify gebicnian similar gelic simple (adj) anfeald sin fyren; leahtor sinner manshliht sing asingan; singan; galan; gieddian single (adj) anlepe sink (cause to) besencan sir leof size micelnes, f skilful ge-rad skill cræft; list, f; orþonc; searoþonc skin fell, n; hyd; rind skulk lutian sky lyft, f; rodor slaughter (v) ofsniðan slay ofslean; sægan slayer bana small mæte smaller læssa smash gebrecan snake nædre snare grin snow hrið snowswept hryðig soak beswillan solace frofor soldier beorn, m.; cempa; fyrdrinc; guðrinc, m; hererinc, m; hildemecg, m; hilderinc, m; hiredmann; hyse, m.; lindwigend; rinc; scealc, m; sceotan; secg solitary ænlic someone hwa something hwa; hwæhwugu somewhere forhwega son bearn, n; eafora song leoð; leoðsong soon hraðe sore sar sorely sare sorrow cearo; hearm; inwidsorH sorrowful hreocearig; sarig soul gast; sawol sound (n) ansund; hleoðor sound (v) galan space of a foot fotmæl spacious brad; geap spare arian (wv 2) speak gecweðan; hleoðrian; maðelian; mælan; gemælan speak of mænan spear franca; gafeluc; gar; ord species gecynd spectral gæstlic speech giedd; gereord speech, make a maðelian; spirit ferð; gast; mod; modsefa spirited modwlonc spiritual gastlic spiritually gastlice splendid betlic splendour gleomu sport (n) gomen sport (v) gelac spread brædan spring (n) lencten spring (v) spring apart: onspringan spring open: onirnan (3) sprout asprytan stab ofstician; ofstingan staff sagol; sceaft, m stag hæstapa; heorot stain (vb) afylan stained fah; -fah stake (a claim) mærsian stand alongside bestandan stand fixed ætstandan stand up astandan stalk bestealcian start beginnan (sv 3) statement cwide steadfastly fæstlice steadily fæstlice steal forstelan step forth ætsteppan still (adv) giet stir hreran (cf. Du "roeren); onhreran stir up drefan stoop lutan stop ætstandan storekeeper ciepemann storeroom hedærn storm (v) abrecan storm (n) scur story ge-recednis straighten gerihtan stranger gyst, m stream flod, m strength ellen, n; mægen stretch out astreccan strife orlege, m strike hnitan strip behlyþan; ongyrwan strike down gefyllan strong forstrang; from stronghold burg, byrig; fæsten student leornere study leornian submit bugan; gebugan succeed fon to rice succession endebyrnes, f sudden færlic suddenly færlice suffer dreogan suitable gehæp; gelimplice; gemæc; gerisenlic summon bonnan; clipian, clypian; laðian supplies metsung, f supply onstal, n support (n) fultum support (v) fultumian surface sceat, m surround began (anom); bewyrcan survey geondsceawian survive belifan; gedygan swallow gegeopan sweep away aswipan swift from swiftly hrædlice swimmer fleotend swimming pool burnsele swing open onbregdan sword bill, n.; ecg; guðbill, n; iren; mece symbol beacen, n.