Medieval World The Ancient World
hail (v) halettan hail hægl hailstorm hæglfaru half healf hall dryhtsele; gifheall; goldsele, m; heall, f; reced; sæ, n; sele hand folme; hand, f handgrip mundgripe hang hangian; hon hanged, be hon happen alimpan; befeallan; limpan; ge-limpan; ge-sælan happily ge-sælice happiness bliss, f; sæl, m/f happy fægen; gesæliglic hard forheard; heard hardship gedeorf; earfoð hardship, time of earfoðhwil harm (n) bealo, n.; frecennis; hearm harm (v) derian harness gerædu harp gleobeam; hearpe hasp hæpse haste hreading, f hasten efstan; onettan hasten away: sceacan hateful atol; lað hatred niþ, m have agan; habban have to: sculan hawk hafoc head hafela; heafod headland næss headless heafodleas heal halian; hælan healthy halwende hear hieran; gehieran hearing gehyrnes, f hearsay gefræge heart breostcofa; breosthord; ferðloca; heorte, f; hige; hordcofa, m hreþer, n; modsefa; sefa, m heat hat, n heathen hæþen heaven heofon, m; rodor heavenly heofonlic heavy hefig hedgehog igl heed onmunan heel hoh, m heirloom laf, f hell hell, f helmet helm, m help (v) fultumian; ge-fultumian; fylstan (+dat); helpan help (n) fultum; geoc; help, f hence heonon herder hyrde here (adv) her hereafter heræfter heresy gedwol; gedwyld heretic gedwolmann hero hæeþ, m; hererinc, m herring hæring hew heawan hidden deogollice hiding place heolstor, m high heah hide (n) hyd hide (v) behydan; deagan; hydan hill beorg, m.; dun himself, herself self hinder ge-lettan hither hider hoard (n) hord, m hoard (v) hydan hoarfrost hrim, m. hoarse has hoary har hold habban; heabban; gehealdan hold fast gebindan holly holen holly holen holy halig home (adj) ham home (n) ham homeland eard; eþel homewards ham honourable arweorðe; gerisenlic honourably (adv) arlice hook angel, m horn horn, m horrible atelic horror fyrhtu horse eoh; hengest; hors, n; mearh horseguard renweard host husl hostage gisl hostile bealohydig; gram hostility anda hot hat how hu however hwæðere house hus; sele human beings firas humble eadmod; eaðmod humble (v) hnæan humbly eadmolice; eaðmodlice humiliating heanlic hundred hund hunger hungor hunt (n) hunta; huntoþ hunting huntoþ huntsman hunta
I, me, my ic, me, min icecold hrimceald; isceald icicle hrimgicel idle idel if gif ignorant dysig; læwede illustrious mære image anlicness, f; onlicnes, f imagine asmeagan imitate geæfenlæcan immediate hrædlice immigration ingong, m. imminent neah impel afysan (wv 1) improve gebetan impulsive hatheort in (adv) in in (prep) binnan; in (+dat); on in addition to eac in advance foran to in front of ætforan; biforan (+ dat) incarnation menniscnis incite hwettan incline onhyldan; onlutan increase (n) eaca indicate gebicnian infantry feða infect geblandan inform cyðan ingenuity hwætred; searoþnc inhabit buan inhabitants landbuend inheritance laf, f injure hynan; sceðan injury bealo, n. innocent bilewit inquire frignan (3) inside (adv) in; inne insolently orhlice inspiration inbryrdnes inspire onbærnan institute (v) onstellan intact gehal intelligence andgit; orþonc intelligently andgitfullice intend hogian; myntan intention gehygd; ingehygd, f intersection eaxlgespann interval tæc into on invite laðian iron isen island ealond; eglond ivory elpendban